You're amazing 🤩

Do you realize how amazing you are?  


If you do (yay! 🥳) then my next question is: how often do you really pause to soak in your awesomeness? 


And, if you don't, how often do you truly pause to integrate the positive moments and feedback you've received? 🤔


If you're anything like the established and rising leaders I work with...


  • You get up every day (and goodness knows it's not always easy!) and start again...caring for your family and friends, serving in your community, and delivering with excellence at work.  


  • You navigate the tense political conversations and maneuver through savvy responses to the microaggressions at the grocery store, at work, or even when you're out for a quick walk.  


  • You point out the ways in which diversity, equity, and inclusion are missing from the company policies and procedures (again and again) with a skill that comes from decades of practice and deserves its own doctorate degree.  ðŸ“œ 


  • You tend to what food is in the home, what paperwork needs to be organized, and who needs to go where and when.  You coordinate (and often attend) the appointments for your parents or kids, and you're there for your friends when they're going through a medical crisis, career change, or divorce.


  • You strive toward continued self-improvement with goals for daily reading, exercise, and prayer or meditation, weekly workshops or courses, and trying to squeeze in a few extra minutes for learning another language or hobby somewhere around the edges. 🤪


  • You juggle all of this, plus you keep a smile pasted on your face 😃 (at least most of the time!), with poise, and with grace, despite how exhausted you feel. 


And still you question or doubt why you aren't more successful, disciplined, or motivated and how long you can keep it up before something has to give.


As clients have honored me with their experiences, it's clear how pervasive this challenge continue to meet the high bar of your own expectations and truly recognize your worth without becoming overwhelmed with the heaviness of the world, the exhaustion of decision-making fatigue, and the self-sabotage of saying "yes" to so many requests that you take up a smaller and smaller space in your own life.


If you see yourself in this...will you please take a moment right now to reflect on how amazing you truly are? And, if you're willing, to spend a few minutes today simply allowing yourself to breathe in the wonder of all you are?


Sometime after that breathing and stillness (or perhaps even in it) notice what comes up from your deepest inner wisdom...what you do you need to support YOU as you continue to give your all?


You matter.  You make a difference.  I'm so thankful you're here.


holding dreams, finding hope 💫


Who's driving the vehicle? 🚗 🚙