the "easy" button πŸ–²

Several years ago, I heard a business coach repeatedly advise aspiring entrepreneurs to "push the 'easy' button."  


Often, in this community of business coaching, it was sound advice for those (including me!) making things more complicated than they needed to be in effort to get them "just right."  


You may recognize this in your own life, too.  


How often do you add unnecessary complexity to things? 


How much are you pushing yourself beyond what's needed to live up to your own (or others') expectations? 


Might there be times when you're neglecting the "easy" button?


On the other side, I was reminded this morning of the frequent false promises and fallacies when an "easy" button is promised, or expected, where none truly exist.  


When it comes to being human, an "easy" button is not always available. 


This isn't only because there is complexity in the range of human emotions, experiences, challenges, and uncertainties.  


It's also because sometimes what's needed, helpful, or healthy isn't "easy."


This is quite a departure from the range of ads and posts on various social media and advertising channels. You know the ones, right?  (If not, check out the next ad you see...I'm guessing it will apply!) πŸ€ͺ


These marketing strategies rely on convincing you that if you buy their product, service, or program, then the very challenge you face will melt away and you'll find yourself in complete bliss!  β˜ΊοΈ


Depending on the service, you might end up with a strong body, clear mind, storybook romance, millions of dollars flowing in, or lying in a hammock on a beach in a tropical locale that never experiences any severe weather! 🦈 β˜€οΈ πŸ˜„


If it's a really good solution, maybe you'll even achieve all of the above, simply by drinking that special potion! πŸ˜‚


The appeal makes sense.  And it's soooooooooo tempting!  


Unless you're signing up for a triathlon or climbing Mt. Everest, you’d love a solution that's going to make your life easier.  If a program or service represents itself as challenging, complicated, or difficult, you’d certainly think twice before signing on!


In the midst of the struggle, hope, uncertainty, hurt, pain, sadness, fear, or doubt, it's only natural to feel drawn in by the implication that your challenge can be quickly and easily fixed, your pain evaporated, your uncertainty transformed.  


Whether it's starting a new business, going up for a promotion, selecting a career change, or developing a new skill...whether it's a health challenge or a hobby...whether it's relationship struggles or having difficult conversations...whether it's changemaking, parenting, or grief...


It's understandable to want something to make it better.  


In fact, multiple clients have discussed this pull, and the distraction it's created in their lives, today alone. It's why I'm writing this now.  It's why this feels so important to spotlight this week.


In these conversations, clients shared how the allure of the false promise was leading to avoidance, procrastination, or "busyness" that detracted from their wellbeing - and from moving consistently toward the outcomes they want.


When I look over my life, I quickly recognize examples of the same. Enrolling in another masterclass, training, or marketing consult offers the illusion of productivity, progress, and purpose in place of true priorities.


How does this happen for you?  


Are there times when the implied "easy button" deters you from what you actually need most?


Consider what has the most benefit for you...


When and where do you need to push the "easy" button?  


When and where do you need to acknowledge the difficulties and discomforts, (even when it's not definitely not "easy")?


In these moments, what might you need to invest in instead of the next misleading promise?



A box of tissues?

A good joke?

A dance party for one?

Arms to hold you (perhaps even your own!)?

A cool glass of water?

Listening, understanding, and acknowledgement?

Refocusing on the next step that moves you toward your goals?

Accepting the discomfort?

Reminding yourself that you can be vulnerable and still be okay?

A group in which you can show up as you are and be celebrated on your best day as well as supported in your worst moments?


The discernment lies between what can make it "easier" without being drawn in by someone or something falsely promising to make it "easy."


I do hope there are places in your life, work, and home where you can bring in more ease - some true places to lighten your load, release those internal critiques, and push the "easy" buttons (often and repeatedly!!!) 😊


And, when the realities of a world torn apart by misunderstandings and mistrust, a grief that goes deeper than words can reach, and profound discomfort of moving beyond your previous boundaries of self-confidence grab onto you, I hope that you will allow yourself to acknowledge it's NOT easy. 


Then, instead of criticizing yourself for your humanity, may you tend to what you need for genuine support...people, places, thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that cushion you through the vulnerability of authentic connection, healing, and growth.

Whether through a shared space like that created by the Chrysalis Collective, or with a trusted group of close friends, family, or colleagues, being encouraged and nurtured in this ongoing process of discernment, compassion, and action is essential.

You are human. You give so much of yourself to show up with care and excellence for others. And, you deserve to enhance your wellbeing while also amplifying your impact.


You matter.  You make a difference.  I'm so thankful you're here.


late ⏰ phone calls ☎️


Little Moments β˜€οΈ ⛅️ β›ˆ