protect critical systems πŸ›‘

"In an effort to protect critical systems..." the message began.  It went on to inform that the public schools were cancelled.  


For the second day in a row.  


Due to technical issues.


A network disruption, cyber security systems, and ongoing effort to assess and "protect the environment"...

You might be asking, "What does this have to do with social and racial justice?  Wellbeing?  And having my greatest impact?"


You might also be surprised at how much it parallels recent conversations about exactly that. πŸ˜‚


Before I go on, let me ask you this: What systems in your life do you consider critical?  


Where does the health of your mind-body system - your integrated system of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing - rank on that list?


Early in my therapy practice in Houston, I worked with a young woman who devoted herself to her healing in ways that continue to inspire me to this day.  I'll call her Carrie for the purpose of this story...  


Carrie funded her own community college education and living expenses with her part-time job at a local cafe.  Estranged from an abusive family, she had no outside financial help.  


Despite her tight finances and busy schedule, she consistently demonstrated the critical importance she placed on her wellbeing. 


Carrie intentionally designed her budget to include and protect weekly therapy appointments.  While her peers spent time and money going to the clubs, traveling, eating out, or collecting new clothes and accessories, she carefully budgeted these as secondary to her wellbeing.  


Through her dedication and consistency, she showed what is possible when wellbeing is treated as a critical system.


When we parted ways, she was graduated, enjoying a healthy partnership with a person who was loving and supportive, and moving on to pursue her career and graduate studies...and her wellbeing was no less important.


In our final meeting, Carrie outlined the ways in which she would continue to tend to her emotions, her longterm healing, and her needs with the strategies she'd learned and integrated for healing, self-compassion, and self-worth.  


It's not easy to do what Carrie did.


It's not easy to prioritize the time, finances, space, and commitment to wellbeing, healing, and resilience.  


It's not easy to restore, enhance, and protect your inner healing and vitality when the pressures of everything else waiting for your attention are so intense.


Already today, 3 of my last 4 hours have focused on one version or another of this theme...How does wellbeing (including all the physical, mental, and emotional components of it) fit within the demands of caring for family members, building a successful business, and creating organizational and societal change?


Are you like the caring, compassionate, dedicated people I know who put their wellbeing on hold as they tend to what will create more financial security or career success…even as they also care for the wellbeing of others?  


Are you also facing the increasing risks of medical setbacks, emotional exhaustion, despair, dread, or compassion fatigue as you do so?


And then, heartbreakingly, do you ever beat yourself up about what you did "wrong," perceive your struggles as an indication of failure, or feel trapped within these routines and patterns like these other gifted individuals do?


 Where do you find relief? 

How do you restore and protect your critical systems from further setbacks?


Like the local school district navigating a breakdown in their systems, I encourage you to take a close look at which of your systems are faltering...and to assess how "robust" the measures are that you have in place to protect these critical systems.


When these critical systems are maintained, valued, and accordingly protected, not only can you avoid additional emotional break-ins and breakdowns, you can best serve and support those around you.  


Support for these critical systems of wellbeing continues to be a primary focus and passion of my work.  If you or your organization would benefit from speaking, workshops, or facilitations that blend experiential exercises and tangible, actionable takeaways that enhance wellbeing and impact, contact me and I'll send you a calendar link to schedule a time to connect.

You matter.  You make a difference.  I'm so thankful you're here.


you're not alone πŸ’žπŸŒŽπŸ’ž


the stress of rest 😒😌πŸ₯²