expired license πŸͺͺ 😳

Do you know those times where everything just comes together with ease? Last week, I had an adventurous trip to Southern California to attend and lead a workshop at the Q10 International Education Conference.  


And it was not one of those times.  πŸ€£


Here's one example:  


Upon arriving at the rental car desk (off-airport, post shuttle, through hotel, up to the 4th floor of a parking garage!) I began their process of completing online paperwork.  They began reviewing my license and credit card.    


I mentally congratulated myself for remembering my car insurance documents.  I felt relieved that I'd soon be on the final leg of the journey.  


Then, the young woman behind the plexiglass said something I was sure I misheard.


"Your license is expired. We can't rent you a car."


I froze.  My cheeks burned.  My head swam.  


She was right.  


I hadn't even thought about it since renewing it weeks before.  My license had expired just a couple days earlier.  No one at the airport check-ins or TSA checkpoints even mentioned it.


But now, here I was, 45 miles away from the conference, without a valid license to rent a car.


"What are my options?" I managed to ask.  I briefly explained about the renewed license and the conference I needed to reach...


"Are there any other forms of proof I could show you?"


It took me a few moments to take some breaths, settle my body enough to think straight, and find the exact information they needed through the labyrinth of sign-ins on my little phone screen.


Still, as I drove an average of 12 mph through rush hour traffic for the next two hours, I was extremely grateful that I was not in the Uber they had first recommended.


They had responded to my request and helped me problem-solve.  As I thanked them profusely, they told me they had never allowed this before.


And that was just one sample of the trip's progression.  


Setbacks...and steps forward.  


Challenges...and solutions.  


I imagine you have similar examples from your own life...times where things were not coming together.  Moments where you think you're almost there...only to find out there is another delay.  An instance where your whole body floods from an unexpected stress and it's up to you to navigate your way through to calm, connect, and communicate about what you need.


I could go on about all the aspects that were difficult, stressful, uncertain, or outright scary during my trip...but that wasn't my takeaway.


What I want to share with you is this...


Despite all the inconveniences, there are ways forward and people who will help. Despite all the setbacks, there are people who will benefit from your presence.

In my case, the purpose of the conference trip was fulfilled.


  1. I met, listened to, and learned from the experiences of amazing people who are educational leaders supporting equity and opportunity for their students...often at great personal cost. 


People like...


  • The superintendent who had signs placed on her yard accusing her of being a child molester...because she'd started a rainbow club to support trans students at her school.


  • The principal who was demoted for addressing a toxic and dysfunctional school system...and the later recognition that the changes she'd fought to implement had shifted the whole system!


  • The administrator who sorted through inches of paperwork documenting demerits, suspensions, and expulsions in preparation to speak at a student's funeral...a student who had shown excellence in math, communication, and business that was only recognized by the streets.


2. I shared my workshop with attendees - The Urgency of Wellbeing for Educational Leaders...scheduled during the last 2 hours of the conference. (Honestly, I wasn't even sure whether anyone would show up!) πŸ€”


When one of the participants told me, "I was going to leave early and I'm so glad I stayed.  Presentations on wellbeing often give nice little clichΓ©s, but this is the first one that is really actionable!" she told me all I needed to know about whether my travel troubles and time away from home were worth it.  


If you've been with me for a while, you know how aligned these leaders are with the purpose of my work - to support the people who address social and racial injustice in meaningful ways despite the high rates of depletion, burnout, and compassion fatigue.  


They are doing incredibly hard work. (Understatement acknowledged!) πŸ€ͺ


Much harder than figuring out how to get to a conference with an expired license. πŸ˜‚


There is so much at stake for these leaders. And, to be honest, there’s a lot at stake for their organizations as well. Too many times socially conscious leaders leave their roles due to burnout, compassion fatigue, and health crises.  


I can't wait for more organizations and systems to recognize the enormous costs of leaving these leaders under-appreciated and under-supported. We cannot afford to expect so much of these inspiring and passionate leaders without providing adequate protection for their wellbeing along the way.


Empowering leaders and changemakers with tools and strategies that are actionable and science-backed is why I go to conferences like this.  


And it's why I care about sharing these stories with you. πŸ₯°


Where are you facing setbacks?  


What empowers you to make the impact you desire?


How can you get the support you need?


My hope always is to remind and reassure you that...


You matter.  You make a difference.  And, I'm so thankful you're here.


This was the first presentation in which I tried out a new system for collecting feedback...and I will say, the responses made my heart sing. πŸ’–  Do you lead in an organization that could benefit from actionable, engaging, inspiring, and interactive support of wellbeing for those carrying the heaviest loads?  Are you one of them? Reach out to see how I can support you and your team to protect wellbeing while continuing to enhance impact.



ways we are human πŸ₯°


holding dreams, finding hope πŸ’«